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AWS Batch - Cookbook


Batch Intro

AWS Batch is a service in AWS which allows running of an arbitrary docker container for one time tasks rather than framed as a big data solution. It is closer to bare metal than lambda running on an ECS Cluster under the hood, which you can see in the console, and has the ability to use spot instances to reduce costs futher. If you have a workload that takes longer than can fit on a Lambda this is probably the service you want.


There are numerous patterns that can be implemented with AWS Batch starting below

Fan In Fan Out

If you wish for one or more jobs to be linked together and be dependent on the first to success this is a great mechanism to achieve this. Letting you build solutions using the Fan In / Fan Out model. This is called Job Dependencies in AWS Batch


Array Job

An array job lets you take a single type of job and run it in parallel or sequentially. You specify the number of number of jobs to be ran, read an environment variable to determine which element is needed to be run and process that.


Potential Use Cases

Map/ Reduce


Map Reduce is a programming model for processing of large data sets or performing large computations over a distributed cluster of computers. The definition shifts based on where you look but it typically involves at least these two steps

  • Map - Performing some processing to produce an output for a portion of the task at hand
  • Reduce - Combining the various results of the map phase into a single result

There are obviously other steps you could add such as a phase which breaks up your task in order to setup the map phase. Another feature of Map/Reduce is a mechanism to move data in and out of the compute nodes as necessary, S3 can be used for such purposes if you wish to store files or one of the many Databases provided on AWS for state of the system.

Compute/ Memory Intensive applications

When you have a horizontally scalable workload there are a number of different mechanisms within AWS you can use to scale those workloads. Such as lambda, each mechanism has it's tradeoffs but there is a set of criteria where AWS Batch may be the right solution.


AWS batch has a number of modes it can operate in, Fargate, EC2 and EC2 Spot instances. If you choose AWS Spot instances massive savings can be achived, but that comes at the cost of having to make your application resiliant to shutdown and task recovery. According to AWS up to 90% savings can be achieved Batch lets you specify the maximum spot instance costs as a percentage relative to the on demand pricing. You can set a minimum number of VCPUs and a family of instances this would let you use reserved instances also. Batch lets you configure your pricing very flexibly.

Limited parallelisation of Jobs

If you have a constrained resouce to which you want to achieve maximum throughput for your jobs but you cannot achieve maximum throughput there are two ways you can handle this. Set off multiple array jobs with all jobs exhausting the maximum throughput of the system as sequential jobs. Or setup multiple job queues and compute environmets with different purposes, one for maxium throughput by having a much higher number of VCPUs and another which the maximum VCPUs is set based on the constrained resouce. Allocating jobs to the specific queues based on that criteria.
